5 Steps to getting rid of negative energy and getting “unstuck.”
If you have never felt “stuck” in your life or situation you are truly one of the “lucky” ones.
Many of us have felt it in the past, and have worked our way out of that “stuck” energy without knowing how we did it.
How did we pull through that year at that crappy job?
How did we get over a rough patch in a friendship?
How did we move on after a heart-break?
The truth is, we JUST DO.
We “get over stuff” by NATURE. Maybe, it’s the universe or God looking out for us, maybe it’s growing more “mature” and realizing what is REALLY worth worrying about, or maybe it’s finding ways to “unstick” ourselves on our own.
I have recently found myself “stuck” a LOT lately and here are the 5 steps that I use to move out of that endless cycle of negative energy that follows me when I’m not vigilant about shaking it…because if you don’t find a way to “shake it,” it will continue to SHAKE YOU.
1. Define what it is that is making you feel this way in the first place. Start to pay attention to events/people/situations etc that trigger that negative energy (aka “icky feeling.”) That feeling is your subconscious mind warning you that something isn’t right. Keep a journal and take notes of how you feel. What days were you feeling awesome? What days were you feeling stuck? Do you see a pattern? Without understanding your feelings and why you are feeling them, it’s impossible to change things.
2. Self-Realize. Are YOU causing you to be stuck? Oh, this is a GOOD one, y’all. Not long ago I was struggling with this new-found unhappy energy that seemed to come out of nowhere. All of a sudden I was turning down invites to social events, getting annoyed with everyone and everything, and feeling like I was just going through the motions in life. Random stuff started happening like forgetting appointments and losing car keys. I started to blame it on “bad juju” and “bad energy.” I even went to a psychic and started saging myself at night to clear my “bad energy” (no joke.). It wasn’t until I finally looked inward and realized that I was causing myself ALL of this grief and pain. We were planning for our 10-month trip around the globe and I was BUSY. I was spending 10-12 hours a day working/scheduling airbnb’s/packing etc. I was spreading myself to thin! I WAS CAUSING THE BAD JUJU! If you’re feeling stuck ask yourself if you are not giving yourself enouh grace/rest/time alone etc. Are you exercising? Are you eating right? Are you spending time with POSITIVE people? This leads me to step-3…
3. Get rid of the energy vampires. Your energy can easily be hijacked/sucked out etc by other people and/or situations. Is someone causing you negative feelings when you’re around them? Is your job giving you anxiety and causing you to have the Monday blues on Sunday afternoon? Well guys, if this is your issue then my advice is simple…CHANGE THINGS! If what is causing your negative cycle of energy to be never-ending is something in your life that you are CHOOSING to keep in it, then YOU are causing yourself to be stuck and guess what? YOU are the only one that has the power to release it. “But Sandra, I can’t just walk away from an old friend/job etc.” Here’s my response to that, “YES YOU FREAKING CAN.” That “icky feeling” we discussed earlier is caused by people too. It is the Universe/God telling you that this person/place/thing/job is not serving your soul. You CAN find a different job, you CAN find new friends, you CAN move to a new neighborhood, and you can 100% stop the energy-sucking vampires from affecting YOUR life.
- Be Grateful.Gratitude goes a long way, y’all.Lately I found myself constantly running into “bad luck.” Everything from getting scammed at the train station
in Paris, to getting my phone stolen in Madrid, to packages going missing etc. I literally had a break down one night and asked my husband “why is this happening to me?” Then I looked up from my 2ndglass of amazing Spanish wine to look at where I was. I was in my beautiful Airbnb in Malaga Spain 3 months into our 10 month trip around the globe with our kids, overlooking the beautiful ocean during a gorgeous sunset, with our healthy and happy kids sleeping peacefully in their rooms. Jerk-much? Even I had to accept the fact that I’m a spoiled brat for complaining about such trivial things given so much that I have. Now, I’m not saying that we are not allowed to be annoyed when things go wrong, and ask the ever-popular question, “why me” once in a while, but is what you are going through REALLY THAT badin the grand scheme of life, or is it just a giant pain in the you-know-what for the time being? Chances are your answer will be the latter. Spend 5 minutes each morning and night writing down 5 things you are grateful for. When done consistently, it will help you shift your energy and unstick yourself.
- Read Brene Brown Books. If all else fails, Brene Brown-yo-self. 🙂
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